Welcome to Hollywood Park
One of the best neighborhoods in Sacramento!
Established in 1950, Hollywood Park was named “Best ’hood” by Sacramento News & Review in September 2008 and one of 10 “Great Neighborhoods” by Sacramento Magazine in September 2010. We are known for our affordable housing, great schools and the diverse local businesses bordering our neighborhood.
The Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association (HPNA) has been working to improve our neighborhood since 1992. We are active in monitoring local and county government projects and enjoy hosting annual neighborhood events.
We are bordered by Freeport Boulevard on the west, Fruitridge Road on the south, 24th Street on the east, and Sutterville Road on the north. This boundary includes the Carleton Tract neighborhood. If you live, work, or own a business or home in Hollywood Park, please consider joining the HPNA.