In the Community

Resulting from State legislation, county and/or city council ordinances, or technological advances, changes occur throughout our neighborhood that affect everybody in one way or another. In 2010, we saw the implementation of water meters as they were installed throughout the neighborhood. The full impact of the water meters is yet to be realized as we are currently in a one-year period in which we can monitor our water usage. Billing for water usage will not begin until later in 2011. If you haven’t done so, you are encouraged to monitor your water usage to get an idea of what your charges are going to be once the billing period begins.

In 2011, we will see additional changes affecting our neighborhood. First, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, better known as SMUD, will be installing and implementing its Smart Meter. Then, the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (SRCSD) will be initiating a rate hike for waste water treatment.