Business Membership Information
Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association (HPNA) is committed to help local businesses thrive. Our neighborhood is surrounded by many great local and regional businesses offering a wide variety of goods and services. Many local businesses participate in the HPNA as Business Members, partners for community events, and by donating goods or services for HPNA raffles and events.
Shopping locally not only saves you money and time, but helps to keep your money in the neighborhood. The money you spend at local businesses is twice as likely to stay in the neighborhood, helping to provide a living for local merchants, jobs for people in the area, equity for local development, and better local government services. When you shop at any of our participating business members, let them know you appreciate their membership in our association.
Visit our HPNA Business Members page to find a list of our current business members. There is also information for local businesses who want to join the HPNA at the bottom of this page.
Become a Business Member
The HPNA invites you to join us as a business member. Business members are members of the Association and enjoy special business member benefits (see “Business Member Facts” below for details). As a business member, you will become an important part of our community. Your business will be seen as supporter of our neighborhood.
Membership is open to any person or family residing or owning a house within the boundaries of the Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association, or any business in or near the boundaries of the HPNA. The HPNA boundaries include the Carleton Tract neighborhood. See this map.
We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to join us in our efforts to make Hollywood Park a wonderful place to live, work, and shop.
Business Membership Facts
- Business membership is open to all businesses within the greater HPNA neighborhood.
- A basic business membership is $30 a year.
- We hope you will become a “Charter Business Member” at $75 for a special three year membership
- As a business member, you:
- May mention your HPNA membership in your advertising
- Will be listed as Business Member on our web site and newsletters
- Can place an ad in our newsletter at a favorable rate
- May be asked, but not required, to help us with our neighborhood events (Ice Cream Social, General Membership Meetings, etc).
Join us to make good things happen within our community. Fill out this Membership Form then bring it and $30.00, or $75 to a membership meeting or drop a check payable to HPNA in the mail to:
PO Box 22278
Sacramento, CA 95822
Dues are $30.00 per business, per year. You may also sign up for a 3 year membership for $75.00
Please make checks payable to HPNA.
You may also join online by clicking the appropriate button below:
*There is a .75 cent online service fee for Business Memberships

*There is a $3.oo online purchase service fee for a 5 year business membership.