
Meet Casey Marshall, of Fabritype Maker Co. He is a Sacramento based inventor, architectural designer and urban fabricator with, according to Comstock’s Magazine, a “dash of mad scientist.” Marshall has more than 20 years of design, fabrication, construction and architectural experience working for himself at FABRITYPE and other Sacramento-based firms. Casey is now the designer/maker behind the Hollywood Park Neighborhood Sign Sculpture Project. While it is no secret that Casey is talented we thought we would reach out to him and get to know him just a little better!

Home town: “I’m proud to say that I’m a 5th Generation Sacramentan and currently live on Vallejo Way. I love watching and being a part of the recent growth and stylized boom that has hit Sacramento.”

Dozer the Shop Mutt!

Tell us about your tribe: “My wife Melissa is the most beautiful civil engineer in Sacramento and is amazingly supportive of my career and is the real inspiration behind much of my work. My son Joey attends McClatchy High and I often find that many of my finished designs were inspired, at least in part, by our early brainstorming conversations.  A blurb about “my tribe” wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention Gozer the shop dog, our 2 year old Boxer mix, who can often be found dragging my wife around the jogging track at Land Park and the surrounding streets.”

Home Away from Home: “My studio, we call it the “Hangar”, is just off of Richards Blvd and 5 minutes north of Downtown. It is part high tech woodshop, machineshop, art studio and design laboratory. I love helping others and discussing all things related to design, construction and just making things in general. I’m facinated and inspired by the way others design and turn their ideas into things you can touch.  As such, I regularly donate my time teaching advanced fabrication techniques to local inventors, makers and engineers at the Hacker Lab on “I” street.

A little about the artist in you: “I think, learn and tell stories with my hands and I treat every object I make as if the whole world might see it someday. At heart, I am both designer and maker, so I’ve spent my entire life collecting a treasure trove of manufacturing and fabricating processes and techniques. This empathy for materials and construction is what allows me to opperate and compete with the large prototype and custom product fabricators in the Bay Area. I do all of my design and fabrication in house which removes much of the red-tape, time, and cost that comes with bigger companies. This is how I can get my clients something new and interesting that I’m happy to stamp with the FABRITYPE logo.”

Any recent projects you would like to share?:  

The exterior seating at the WAL Public Market
The solar vernal calendar “SOLAROID” at the courtyard of WAL (Warehouse Artist Lofts
​Rotating Magazine file and bench “Read-O-Matic” VSP Global’s innovation Lab on “I” street, Downtown Sacramento