Have a tree in need of harvesting?
Know someone in Hollywood Park that needs help harvesting a tree?
Want to help harvest a tree or two?
This time of year persimmons and pomegranates are in abundance and we are happy to help you harvest them or anything else too for that matter! Mark your calendars for the Harvest Hollywood Park’s Autumn Harvest.
To participate please contact Chiristina Maradik-Symkowick to coordinate get additional info. (address, what to bring, where to meet, etc.)
Don’t need anything harvested until Winter ? Stay tuned for info on Harvest Hollywood Park’s Winter Harvest.
If you were at last year’s you will remember eating some tasty morning treats, ton of harvesting fun, meeting new friends and finishing the day with a delicious vegetarian meal provided by the fine folks at Soil Born Farms. If memory serves correct, there were over 100 volunteers!! Additional info TBD.
To stay up to date please join our Harvest Hollywood Park Facebook Group too!