Archives: Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 6:38PM

Members Present:

Kathy Spitzer, Debbie Keller, Lynn Humphries, Chris Noey, Molly Castro

There was a quorum.


There were no guests.

Previous Minutes:

A motion was made by Kathy to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. The motion was seconded by Debbie The motion carried unanimously.

Financial Report:

Debbie reported that we currently have $8,524.86 in our bank account. The Profit & Loss for January 1, 2022 through April 13, 2022 is $1,899.01. We currently have 106 members. Debbie also provided the Board with a list of the Business Memberships. Kathy suggested that we send out another blast to encourage more new or renewal memberships.


A.) Newsletter

The deadline for articles is May 6, 2022. Chris has begun the process of getting the Adobe program for $30.00 a month.

Articles: There was discussion regarding articles for the upcoming newsletter. Some suggestions included “The Little Lending Libraries”, and upcoming events in the neighborhood. It was also suggested that we contact the neighborhood Churches and schools for events they may have planned in the neighborhood. We will ask Land Park Soccer to write a blurb. Kathy mentioned that the City of Sacramento offers two Free junk and/or electrical pick-ups each year. CommuniTree will want to put something in the newsletter. We will put a membership application on the back page of the newsletter. There was discussion about having the June community meeting at St Robert. Kathy will find out if it’s available. If so, we will put something in the newsletter about that. Molly will write her “Letter from the President”. There will be a story about what’s going into the old Goodwill building. Pastor Rene may want to say something about Centennial Church. There will be a small article about the weekly events at Two River’s Cider and Fountainhead.

B.) Monitoring of the HPNA Email account:

There was discussion about the criteria for sharing events and/or information. There was also discussion regarding having someone from SMUD come to talk about greenhouse gas emissions, as well as someone from Planting Justice and Three Sister’s Garden. Molly will continue to monitor the Email account and will forward to the board only those emails that are time sensitive or should be forwarded to Hollywood Park neighbors.

C.) Mailchimp Blasts:

Debbie received an email from Jay Schinerer’s office about “Free trash clean-up kits” . Debbie will put something about it on Mailchimp. Molly will check with the Board regarding items for Mailchimp and she will then let Debbie know.


A.) The next community meeting will be on June 15, 2022.

  1. Speaker Ideas: Lynn will contact Land Park Soccer about coming to the community meeting. Kathy suggested someone from Bethany Church to talk about their food bank. Molly suggested Elle Huftill. Elle has a Flower farm called Sweet Mabel’s Farm in Hollywood Park. We will ask her to come to the community meeting to talk about her farm.
  2. Meeting monitoring: Molly mentioned that it’s important to have someone monitor zoom meetingsā€¦ie, to make sure that people are admitted to the meeting and that they have their mics muted, etc.

B.) Ice Cream Social:

Kathy: It was suggested that we shorten the time down to 1 1/2 hours, rather than two hours. The ice cream melted too fast at the last ice cream social. The suggested date is Friday, June 17th, St. Robert. Kathy will check with St. Robert to see if the church is available both the community meeting and the ice cream social.

C.) Movie Night:

Molly will check with Jay Schinerer’s office about Ice-Cream Social and Movie Night.

D.) Mangan Park Neighborhood Association:

April 18, 2022. Molly reported that we have been invited to attend that meeting, if someone has time to go.

E.) D5’s Neighborhood Leaders Meeting:

There will be a meeting on at 6:00PM on April 27, 2022, with Jay Schenirer and various other Sacramento City Departments. No action was taken.

F.) Update from Drew Hart:

Drew is a Transportation Planner from City of Sacramento. Molly reported that Drew will come to the Community Meeting in June with an update.

Lynn made the motion to purchase a $50.00 gift card for Victor Vasquez for BBQ & Burgers to thank him for all his work on the newsletter.

Molly seconded.

Motion carried unanimously.

Debbie reported that Ralph had a list of people to whom he sent emails regarding articles for the newsletters. Debbie will send emails out to those people to let them know the deadline date.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:59PM

Respectively submitted,
Lynn Humphries
Secretary, HPNA