Archives: Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:37 PM

Members Present:

Jeff Lidicker, Lynn Humphries, Debbie Keller, Kathleen Spitzer, Ralph McDaniel, Max McSlavkin, Jannelle Rattigan, Vincent Xu
There was a quorum.

Previous Minutes:

Debbie Keller made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 8th meeting. Ralph McDaniel seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.


There were no guests.

Financial Report:

Debbie reported that the current balance in our checking account as of August 8, 2021 is $7,733.22
The profit & loss for July 7th through August 8th, 2021 is $53.60
The profit & loss for January 1st through August 8th, 2021 is $962.72

We currently have 171 members.

Ralph reported that the newsletter is ready to go to print. Deadline for any changes and/or additions is Friday, August 13th, 2021 at 5:00PM.
There was discussion regarding adding other stories, ie, sale of T-Shirts.
It was decided that there would be a notice that we are selling T-Shirt, Sweatshirts and Pillows.

Community Meeting:

There was discussion regarding whether or not the community meeting in September will be in person. Kathleen suggested having it in the parking lot of St. Roberts parking lot. The consensus was that we have the community meeting as a zoom meeting.
Max suggested that we have an update from the mural artist.
Jannelle reported that CommuniTree may be at the community meeting also.
Jannelle also reported that she obtained the $500 Grant from Jay Schinerer’s office to support HPNA, which will be used to pay for the printing of the newsletter.
There was a recommendation that we send a Thank you to St. Robert for hosting the Ice-Cream social, and to Jay Schinerer’s office for the $250 that paid for the Ice-Cream social in the newsletter.

Community Meeting will be September 15th, 2021 at 6:30, via zoom.
Jannelle will extend an invitation to Jay Schinerer to come to the community meeting.

Liability Insurance Issues:

Jannelle and Jeff have been doing research on liability insurance, and they have discovered that the insurance that we have may cover more events than we originally thought. Jeff and Jannelle (and anyone else) will meet with our current insurance agent to discuss exactly what our policy does cover. Lynn indicated that she will be willing to attend that meeting.

HPNA SWAG Fundraiser:

Kathleen is still waiting for Chris to get back to her regarding T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, etc. There was discussion regarding buying chip bag/magnets. The background color should be white and the ink should be green, or green background with white lettering. It was decided that we purchase 250, with just the words Hollywood Park, not HPNA. Lynn will get final cost and let Board members know.

HPNA – Sustainability and mission/vision/budget:

There was no discussion at this time, so the subject was tabled.


Square Update:

Max reported that he has not had a chance to look into Square. He will pursue that subject and then discuss it with Debbie.
Jannelle mentioned that the amount that’s being billed to people isn’t correct. There was discussion regarding how that is going to be addressed and fixed.

Revenue Ideas:

Max also suggested that our newsletter should be online, which could open up the possibility of selling more ads and/or getting sponsors.

Other Business:

Max suggested that we set up a group email for the HPNA Board through Google. He also suggested that we start using Google Docs.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:59PM.