Archives: Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM
The meeting was held at FountainHead Brewery

Members Present:

Molly Castro, Debbie Keller, Lynn Humphries, Chris Noey
The was a quorum.

Previous Minutes:

Debbie made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Molly seconded.
The motion was approved unanimously.

Financial Report:

Debbie reported that we currently have $8,409.34 in the bank. That does not include
the $250.00 the was donated by Jay Schinerer’s Office.
When that is deposited, we will have $8,659.34 in the bank.
Molly made the motion that we use the remainder of the National Night Out money for
the next Community Meeting. Debbie seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.
Debbie also reported that there was a profit of $140.06 for the period of
July 1, 2022 to August 6, 2022.
We currently have 125 members.


Newsletter articles and distribution:

Chris reported that he purchased a hew subscription for software.
The cost was $31.49.
Chris also reported that he started inputting the articles for the upcoming newsletter.
He said that we have more copy than we have room for. He will take a look at what
we can cut. There was discussion as to what might be removed.
It was discussed that Kathleen start putting together dates for 2023 events.

Lynn reported that Victor provided a price for printing an additional 300 newsletters. It
will cost $134.00 more. Lynn made the motion that we approve the purchase of the
extra newsletters, which will be distributed to the various business that advertise. Chris
seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
There was discussion about distributing those newsletters and we were reminded that
Julie does deliver some already.

Active Transportation Commission Meetings:

Molly reported that Tamiko reached out to see if any HPNA board members want to
come to any of their meetings. Molly will share the meeting schedule, for anyone who
may want to attend.


Sacramento Emergency Shelter & Enforcement Act:

This item was tabled to discuss at a future meeting.

Square Recurring Invoices:

Apparently there have been recurring invoices and HPNA Email Addresses. Debbie
reported that there are two email addresses, therefore two square accounts: HPNA
95822 and Info@HPNA. After some discussion, it was decided to eliminate one of
those addresses. Chris will research how to do that.

Fall Community Meeting:

The next community meeting will be September 21st. There will be someone from
SMUD who will provided presentation.
Two City Council Candidates, Caity Maple and Tamiko Heim have agreed to speak at
the meeting. They are seeking to fill Jay Schinerer’s seat. They will have an open
forum for questions and answers.
There will also be someone from the Sacramento City Police Department at the
This meeting will be an outdoor meeting. There will be a greeting table, at which new
members can sign up. There will be a photographer. After some discussion, the board
decided to have the meeting at Centennial Church on Murieta Way. Molly will contact
Jerleen to see what, if anything, they can do to help set up. Chris will handle the social
media. Kathy and Debbie will be greeting and signing up members. Molly will ask
Crawford’s Books if they want to have a table there. It was discussed that we ask if
other businesses and/or vendors want to be there. Music will be provided.
Since it gets dark earlier in September, it was decided to start the meeting at 6:00,
instead of 6:30. Board members are to arrive at 5:00.

Social Media:

We discussed doing a flyer for the upcoming Community Meeting in September. Molly
indicated that she wanted to do a “really nice” flyer. It was pointed out that Debbie has
been the one who does all of our flyers, both printed and online. Molly indicated that
she was going to contact her brother to do the flyer this time.

Website Update and Monitoring:

Debbie will take care of updating the website and will be managing/monitoring it.

Facebook Account:

We will be creating a new password for the Facebook page. All Board members will be
provided with that password.
It was also decided that we revamp our Facebook page so that people can make

Two Rivers Community Meeting Follow-Up:

Lynn and Molly attended that meeting on Monday, August 1st. Lynn reported on what
transpired at the meeting.

Liability Insurance:

Our liability insurance is going to expire in September. The current company is going
to provide us with names of other companies who may be able to provide us with that
insurance, moving forward. There was discussion about trying to find other companies,
as well as finding out about extending the insurance to cover more events. Molly is
also going to look into getting a grant from the City of Sacramento to cover that cost.

Volunteer Recognition:

There was discussion about recognizing the volunteers who deliver the newsletters.
Debbie suggested that we give each one of them a $10.00 gift certificate from
Hollywood Hardware. After further discussion, Debbie made the motion to make that
purchase. Lynn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Molly suggested that board members have matching T-Shirts. That subject was tabled.
The subject came up again about getting into the Hollywood Park Elementary School
to get the HPNA items and to see if the banner was in there. Molly indicated that she
will needs to contact Tenley Luke, the Principal.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM.