Archives: Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:33PM

Members Present:

Jeff Lidicker, Debbie Keller, Lynn Humphries, Jannelle Rattigan, Ralph McDaniel, Max McSlavkin, Vincent Xu, Kathleen Spitzer. There was a quorum.

Previous Minutes:

Lynn made the motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Ralph seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.


Molly Castro
Molly introduced herself. She has been a neighbor in Hollywood Park for 18 years. She is interested in becoming a board member.

Financial Report:

Debbie reported that the current balance in our account is $6,949.29
The profit and loss for January 1, 2021 through December 8, 2021 is $178.19 The profit and loss for November 9, 2021 through December 8, 2021 is $36.55 We currently have 173 members.
There was some discussion regarding renewing business memberships.

Community Meeting
The HPNA Community meeting will be on December 15, 2021, from 6:30 to 8:00pm. The election for board members will be held during that meeting. There was discussion regarding what else will happen during that meeting: Sharing Holiday Decorations, Gift Give-Aways, and who we will invite to talk, as well as an update on the Mural.

Lynn will invite Jared from Buckhorn Grill to speak for a few minutes about the new restaurant. Jeff will give an annual report during the community meeting.


There was discussion regarding the fact that the 4th of July Parade never goes through or near the Carleton Tract area. Jannelle brought up the fact the HPNA does not sponsor the parade. Max announced that he will be resigning from the board.

Vincent announced that he does not wish to seek re-election for another term on the board. Jannelle thanked Vincent and Max for their time on the board.

Debbie asked about the Holiday decorating contest winners. Plans were made for Debbie, Kathy and Lynn to judge the contest.

Jeff made the motion to purchase three $20.00 Gift Certificates.
Debbie seconded that motion

Motion carried unanimously

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50PM.