Archives: Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:45PM

Members Present:

Jeff Lidicker, Debbie Keller, Lynn Humphries, Molly Castro, Kathy Spitzer, Ralph McDaniel There was a quorum. 


Drew Hart: Transportation Planner, Public Works Department with The City of Sacramento Drew presented a report on the first phase of the Freeport Blvd. transportation plan, which included a count of the traffic as well as a crash history. He reported that a survey was sent out to gather data from people as to what they want, as well as what people think of the designs. He also reported that there is an online survey. 

Previous Minutes: 

Kathy made the motion to approve the minutes from the January meeting. Ralph Seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. 

Financial Report & Membership

Debbie reported that we currently have $8,531.02 in our bank account. The Profit & Loss for January 1 through February 6, 2022 is $1,925.17 We currently have 50 members. Debbie reported on her work trying to get business members to renew. Lynn will contact Two Rivers and Fountainhead 

Old Business

Spring Newsletter 

Ralph reported on the Spring (March) Newsletter. Board members learned that there was an advertisement on the back page in full color. Since we don’t usually put ads on the back page OR in color, there was discussion about charging more for a color ad, versus a black and white ad. No decision was made and Jeff indicated that the ad would be lea on that page if there was room. 

Membership Payment Envelope Status:

We are printing envelopes to be inserted in the March newsletter. 

Photo of Mural in Newsletter: 

There was discussion of putting a color photo of the completed mural in the Spring newsletter. Molly will get a photo. 

HPNA Swag:

Kathy reported that the person is “missing in action”. There was some discussion of having someone else try to contact the lady who makes the T-Shirts, etc. We may have to refund people their money if we can’t reach her. 

Candy to Sacramento Fire and Police Departments:

Debbie reported that she and Lynn purchased two boxes of candy from Kobasic’s Candies and delivered one box the Police Department and one to the Fire Department. 

Painting the HPNA Sculpture:

Kathy reported that she talked with a previous board member who said that the HPNA sculpture was never meant to be painted. Lynn will call Estella Vasquez to let her know. 


Community Meeting: 

The next community meeting will be March 16th, 2022. Hopefully, it will be our last zoom meeting. It was discussed that BBQ & Burgers do a community barbecue. Could they cook it at a location off site? Perhaps at St. Robert. Lynn and Kathy will talk to Fountainhead about speaking at the next community meeting. 

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM.