Archives: Meeting Minutes

Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting Minutes for January 9, 2020

Present: board members: Jeff, Janelle, Debbie, Julie, Laurie, Kathleen.  A quorum existed for approving motions.

Community members present: none

Meeting called to order: 7:08pm, meeting adjourned 8:20

HPNA insurance broker came to share with the board what is entailed in HPNA’s insurance coverage.  The insurance is limited to our quarterly meetings, and our official current events such as the ice cream social and general meetings.  There was discussion about hiring an attorney or asking Dylan for a referral to an attorney so HPNA could explore whether different insurance coverage would be advisable.  Julie volunteered to contact Dylan since he volunteered that he would look into an attorney for HPNA.

Newsletter Update:  Board members discussed the March newsletter and possible content—the farm, a story about Chase Bank’s historic building the news on Raley’s move to its new digs and the new shopping center.  We agreed that Julie would contact Megan to see if she wanted to continue in the role of coordinating the content for the quarterly newsletters.

Upcoming Events: Kathleen mentioned she would like to compile an annual schedule of events and suggested we add an event in June.  There was some discussion about dividing up the ice cream social and movie night but that was nixed when we agreed that councilmember Jay 

Business committee: Scheduled its next meeting in February 25th at Kathleen’s house

Social Media: 

The next Board meeting is February 13, 2020.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20  pm