Archives: Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:40PM.

Board members in attendance:

Jeff Lidicker, Laurie Dishman, Vincent Xu, Lynn Humphries, Ralph McDaniel

There was a quorum.

There was one guest: Julie Scheff

Jeff made the motion that we appoint Jannelle Rattigan, Kathleen Spitzer and Debbie Keller for another 2 year term on the Board.  

Lynn seconded the motion.

The motion carried unanimously.

The Board welcomed Raloph McDaniel to the Board as a new member.

There was no financial/treasurer report.


Ralph reported that he sent out an email asking for more articles for the Spring Newsletter.

Julie reported that Jay Schenirer usually donates $200 for our annual ice cream social.  This year, the plan is for that money to be used to purchase gift certificates from neighborhood restaurants or businesse, then to be given as prizes during our Spring community meeting.  The tentative plan is to purchased two $50.00 gift certificates and four $25 gift certificates.

Ralph reported that a Hollywood Park neighbor, Denise Perinati has posted concerns about the 5G towers that Verizon has been installing in the neighborhood.

Apparently several neighbors are worried about radiation.

There was discussion regarding the new zoning changes in Sacramento.  Jeff suggested that we invite Jay Schenirer to our next community meeting  to discuss those questions, as well as to answer any questions that Hollywood Park neighbors may have. 

It was discussed that the upcoming newsletter should include the names of the Christmas decorating contest winners.

It was recommended that we invite a local business or restaurant owner to come to our  next community meeting to provide a short presentation about their business.  There was also suggestion that we invite the Firehouse again, since they were not able to make it to our December Community meeting.

Jannelle reported on Lorraine VanKekerix, the Master Gardener and the possibility of having her come to the Community meeting to discuss her projects, as well as when to start Spring planting.  The question was asked for the date and location of the plant sale.

Victor discussed the “Welcome To The Neighborhood” letter.  

Lynn will redo the membership pitch, which will go on the HPNA Facebook page.

Lynn suggested the possibility of having a “Block Christmas decorating contest” this year.

There was discussion about whether or not the CommuniTree Project is sponsored/hosted by Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association. It was suggested that perhaps The Sacramento Tree Foundation should sponsor CommuniTree.

Debbie pointed out that we need to vote on Board officers.

The following slate of officers was presented:

  • President:             Jeff Lidicker
  • Vice President:     Jannelle Rattigan
  • Treasurer:             Debbie Keller
  • Secretary:             Lynn Humphries

Vincent made the motion to accept that slate.

Ralph seconded the motion.

The motion carried unanimously.

An Election Committee was formed: Kathleen Spitzer, Debbie Keller and Lynn Humphries

Laurie and Meghan’s terms have ended.  Those Board vacancies will need to be filled.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07PM