Archives: Meeting Minutes

HPNA Minutes – July 8th, 2021-2

The meeting was called to order at 6:33PM

Members Present:

Debbie Keller, Kathleen Spitzer, Lynn Humphries, Jeff Lidicker, Jannelle Rattigan, Vincent Xu.
There was a quorum


Max McSlavkin

Previous Minutes:

Debbie Keller made the motion to approve the minutes from the June meeting. Kathleen Spitzer seconded;
The motion was carried unanimously.

Hollywood Park Mural:

Max provided an update on the Mural. Max’s wife, Erin met with the building owners. There was a zoom session with people from the neighborhood to get ideas for the subject of the Mural. The Artist wants to coordinate a time to have neighbors come out to help paint.

Kathleen asked about a Girl Scout Troop that wants to help out.

Jeff asked Max if he is still interested in joining the HPNA Board.
There was brief discussion.
Lynn Humphries made the motion to nominate Max to be a new board member. Debbie Keller seconded the nomination.
There was a little more discussion, then the motion was carried unanimously.

Financial Report:

Debbie Keller provided the following Financial Report.
The current bank account balance is $7,644.62
That amount is down from last month because the June newsletter cost more than the March Newsletter. The cost for the June newsletter was $927.00.
The Profit and Loss for June 7th through July 6th, 2021 was a loss of $435.09
The Profit and Loss for January 1st through July 4th, 2021 is $768.52
There are currently 170 HPNA members. Three new members came from the ice cream social.
Cook Realty is now a business member and they are probably going to also do an ad. There was some discussion regarding Hollywood Hardware and Fountainhead membership and/or ads.



Ralph reported that Friday, August 6th is the deadline for articles.
Ralph is working on a story about the Hipsters in Stockton.
Discussion regarding stories to put in the newsletters: ie, History of Hollywood Park, pictures of the Ice Cream Social and the 4th of July Parade.
There was discussion regarding getting information for a “one time permit”, for a 4th of July Parade in the future.

Update regarding Centennial UMC:

Janelle reported that she has not heard back from them regarding their COVID protocol.
Jannelle also reported on National Night Out, which will be on August 3, 2021. Mirium Shepherd asked if HPNA can help get the word out, as well as help by distributing flyers on July 27th, 28th, 29th.


HPNA Swag Fundraiser:

Kathleen asked if we should do that again, starting in September. She has already contacted Christine, but has not heard back from her yet.
Kathleen will also contact the person who was at the Ice Cream Social with a T-Shirt that he had made. There will be an announcement about the T-Shirt sale in the September newsletter.

HPNA Sustainability & Mission:

Jannelle commented that she feels that we need to have more people doing some of the work, rather than the same small group of people doing most of the work.

By-Laws Mission: How to Move Forward:

Jannelle reported that she submitted a grant application to Jay Schinerer’s office for $500 to go towards membership. We need about 100 more members to cover the cost of the newsletters. There was further discussion on how much money we need on a regular basis? If we have extra money, what do we want to do with that money?

Up-Coming Elections:

We had previously decided that we would announce the upcoming election during the September Community Meeting, as well as put something in the newsletter. We discussed the wording/language for the announcement. It was agreed that we would indicate that three current board members are seeing re-election. However, there were some concerns that maybe some people may not choose to run since it could look like there is only one seat available. Debbie will send the wording of the announcement to the board for approval.

Next Community Meeting:

There was discussion as to whether or not we could have the September community meeting in person. No decision ws made.

Next Board Meeting:

The next board meeting will be at Centennial Church. August 12th, 2021.