Archives: Meeting Minutes

HPNA Minutes – July 13, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM

Members Present:

Molly Castro, Debbie Keller, Lynn Humphries, Kathy Spitzer There was a quorum

Previous Minutes:

There were a few corrections to the minutes:

  • Under Financial Report, it should have said that there was “a profit of $293.31” for May 1st through June 5, 2022.
  • Under Financial Report, it should have said that there was only a loss of $218.00 for the printing of “the Spring Newsletter”.
  • Under Financial Report, it should have said the the donation of $545.00 was from HPNA members and it was for the year of 2022.

Molly motion to approve as corrected.

Debbie seconded.

They were approved as corrected.

Financial Report:

Debbie reported that we have $8,283.60 in our account.

The Profit & Loss for June 1 through July 12, 2022 was a loss of $832.45 We currently have 124 members,



Article status: There was discussion about the upcoming newsletter (September). Kathy contacted Tobrin regarding the Carlton Tract Project. She has not heard back from him yet.

Molly suggested doing a story about Phono Select. Perhaps have them come to the next community meeting, and then do a follow up story in a later issue of the newsletter.

There was more discussion regarding upcoming newsletters. It was suggested that we write a story about Sutterville Bicycle, as well as other businesses in the Hollywood Park area.

Kathy will contact Irene from CommuniTree to see if she will have an article for September.

Debbie will contact Bina Lefkovitz or Chris at the County Office of Education.

Table Farm wants to talk about their operations.

A Farmers Market will begin in Land Park, near corner of Sutterville & Freeport.


Distribution of Newsletters to Advertisers:

There was discussion about taking a copy of the newsletter to each advertiser. It was decided that we print up more newsletters so that those who pay for ads could have several copies for their places of business. Those newsletters will then be available for the businesses to pick them up at Kathy’s house. We will provide them with a date by which newsletters must be picked up. We need to talk to Victor to find out the cost for 200 more newsletters.

Gift Card for Anthony Skelton:

Debbie recommended that we purchase a $50.00 gift card from FountainHead for Anthony Skelton, as a thank you for all the work that he does for HPNA.

Lynn made the motion, Debbie seconded: Motion carried.

Active Transportation Commission meetings:

Molly reported that they have done a lot of work with the commission on walking and biking communities in Hollywood Park and other parks around here. This subject was put on hold for the time being.

Farmers Insurance Policy Renewal:

Debbie received a notice from Farmers indicating that our liability policy will not be renewed. Apparently, Farmers is no longer providing insurance for associations, but they will assign us to a new company. Renewal is in September.

Transportation Priorities Plan:Molly reported that she received an email about the City of Sacramento. They want a Pop-Up booth at one of our events. We discussed that we invite them to our fall community meeting instead

We also discussed sending out a MailChimp about National Night Out (August 2nd), as well as Centennial Church’s event that night.

Square Recurring Invoices:

Debbie reported that invoices are being automatically sent out to some members and some advertisers. However, she cannot stop them from being sent out. She will continue to work on it and will report back.

Further New Business:

Molly reported that she told CommuniTree that we were willing to let them use our name to apply for the $500 Grant. However, she never heard back from them.

Two young ladies Caity Maple and Tamiko Heim, who are running for Jay Schinerer’s seat on Sacramento City Council, have both requested that they present at our Community meeting in September. It was decided that it would be a good idea. We will have a couple other presenters first, and then let them have the rest of the meeting.

September Community Meeting:

There was discussion about moving the September community meeting to the 14th or the 15th, depending on St Robert’s availability.

It was also discussed that the meeting announcement be placed in a box on the front of the newsletter in bold printing so that it stands out.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01PM.