Archives: Meeting Minutes

March 10, 2022 – HPNA Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:32PM

Members Present:

Molly Castro, Debbie Keller, Kathy Spitzer, Lynn Humphries There was a quorum.


Tobrin Hewitt Chris Noey Vincent Vasquez

Emergency Vote:

President Jeff Lidicker and Editor Ralph McDaniel submitted their letters of resignation from the Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association Board.
A vote was taken to accept both of those resignations. The vote was unanimous.

Guest Speaker:

Tobrin Hewitt is a Hollywood Park neighbor. He reported that, years ago, his father’s family owned an automotive repair shop near Attawa Avenue & 16th Avenue adjacent to 24th Street. Tobrin would like to develop that property, perhaps with student housing and/or multi family units. Those units would be small, approximately 200 square feet, and that would be on the property that faces Attawa. The 24th Street side could consist of mini retail shops. That area is approximately one acre, and it is zoned as “heavy industrial”. Tobrin will come to the Community meeting on March 16th to do a presentation about his proposed project.

Previous Minutes:

In the section under Old Business/Spring Newsletter, there is one correction. The Board did NOT have the final proof of the newsletter at the time of this meeting, but they were informed that there was one ad (in color) on the back page.
Kathy made the motion to accept the previous minutes as amended.

Molly seconded the motion.
The motion was approved unanimously.

Financial Report:

Debbie reported that we currently have $7,595.67 in the bank.
The profit and loss for January 1 through March 10, 2022 is $989.82.
We currently have 68 members.
Debbie also reported that Fountainhead Brewery joined as a business member.

Molly reported that Panama Pottery is not a part of Fountainhead Brewery, even though the buildings are connected/close together.


Since President Jeff Lidicker resigned, in accordance with the By-Laws, Debbie made the motion that Vice-President Molly take over as President. Kathy seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously

Community Meeting:

Debbie sent a draft of the meeting notice to post on MailChimp.
The following guests will be attending the Community meeting on March 16th:

Drew Hart, Transportation Planner for the City of Sacramento will be a speaker at the Community Meeting. He will discuss the Freeport Boulevard Transportation Plan, along with the various options for improving safety and appearance of Freeport Boulevard.

Mark Bojescu, Owner of Fountainhead Brewing Co. & Lions Hotdog Shack will be our second speaker. He will be talking about the brewery and their upcoming events.

Tobrin Hewitt, Owner of property located at Attawa Avenue at 16th Avenue and 24th Street will be our third speaker. He will be talking about a potential development plan for that location.

Drawing Gift Certificates:

There will be a drawing for gift certificates from local restaurants and/or businesses.

The donating businesses are:
Jointed Cue, Land Bark Pet Supplies, Fountainhead Brewery Company and BBQ & Burgers

Debbie Keller donated two Starbucks gift certificates.
There was discussion as to who would handle the drawing. Lynn and Debbie agreed to do that.

Swag Report:

Kathy reported that the sales are over and finished. There was discussion regarding looking for someone new from whom to purchase T-Shirts, etc. The woman with whom we had been working is semi-retired and difficult to get in touch with.


New Board Member:

Chris Noey indicated that he is interested in being a board member. Lynn made the motion to nominate his as a board member. Kathy seconded the motion.

The motion carried unanimously.

Graphic Designer Update:

Victor Vasquez reported that he contacted the company that prints our newsletter and got a quote of $120.00 for two hours of work, but all articles will need to be submitted at the same time. There was more discussion regarding printing future newsletters. Victor and Lynn will possibly visit the printer. Chris indicated that he might be able to do the layout/design. The deadline for articles for the Summer issue will be May 13th.


There was discussion regarding how to determine what to send how, and how much to send out. The discussion was tabled until the April board meeting.

Gift Card for Pearl:

Debbie made the motion to purchase a $50.00 gift certificate for Pearl to thank her for all her work on the newsletter. Lynn seconded the motion. There was discussion as to where to purchase the gift card. It was decided to purchase one from a local restaurant.

BBQ & Burgers was suggested. The motion carried unanimously.

Gift Membership:

Another HPNA member has donated a gift membership. The suggestion was made to give that membership to Jan Jett.

Software Purchase:

During the meeting, Chris researched what he will need in order to take over the layout and design for the newsletters. He reported that he will need some new software. It will cost $30.00 per month. However, he will only need it for the months that the newsletter is produced, so it will cost a total of $120.00 per year, which at least $360.00 a year less than having the printer do the layout and design. Lynn made the motion to purchase the software. Kathy seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08PM.

Respectively submitted, Lynn Humphries Secretary, HPNA