Archives: Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:32PM

Members Present:

Molly Castro, Debbie Keller, Lynn Humphries, Chris Noey
Kathy Spitzer joined for part of the meeting.

There was a quorum.

Previous Minutes:

Chris made the motion to approve the minutes from the April14th meeting.

Molly seconded.

The motion was approved unanimously.

Financial Report:

Debbie reported that we currently have $9,135.21 in the bank.

The profit and loss for January 1 through May 11, 2022 is $2,509.36.

We currently have 112 members.

Debbie also report that Jay Schinerer’s office sent us $250.00 for the Ice Cream Social.



Chris reported that putting together the newsletter went well. He also reported that he
was able to reposition Lynn’s business card ad. There was discussion regarding the
position and size of the Buckhorn Grill ad. In the first proof, the ad was smaller than in
the Spring newsletter. Chris fixed the problem, and the ad will now be back to its
original size. It will be in color for the online version of the newsletter, but in the printed
version, the ad will be black and white.

Community Meeting:

The next community meeting will be on June 15th, 2022. Molly reported that we have
some speakers and and we have a venue. The meeting is going to be at St. Robert.

The proposed speakers will be someone from Land Park Soccer, Bethany Church
Food Bank Rep, Elle Huftill from the Flower Farm, and someone from SMUD. Molly will
follow up with Bethany Church Food Bank and SMUD, and Lynn will follow up with

Land Park Soccer.

Molly asked about having a local musician. She will look into a band called Hard Luck
Daddy’s. Kathy will find out if there are outdoor electrical outlets.

Ice Cream Social:

The Ice Cream Social will be on June 17, 2022, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Kathy will ask
Jannelle about the A-Frame signs and she will confirm with Cindy Jones about her
helping with the event. There was some discussion about when to put up the fliers,
and it was decided to do that the weekend before. Debbie will send out a mailchimp
reminder several times before the event, and Chris will post it on our web site.
Volunteers and Board members need to arrive at St. Robert by 6:00.


2040 General Plan

There was some discussion about joining other neighborhood associations. It was
decided that we all should focus our efforts on Hollywood Park at this time.

Social Media & Website:

There was discussion as to who is checking the inbox.
Molly wanted to make sure that we all know that we do have an instagram account,
and that she is monitoring it. The address is HollywoodPark95822. Molly posts our
Community Meetings on there. There was discussion regarding who has the password.
It was decided that only Board members should be posting. Chris will change the
password and he will also link the instagram account to our web site. Molly will follow
up with Erin McSlavkin to see if she wants to be on the Board.

There was discussion about what’s on our website. Debbie will send more information
to Anthony about upcoming events, etc, for him to put on our website.
Next month’s Board meeting will be on Tuesday, June 7th, rather than Thursday the

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:54PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lynn Humphries
Secretary, Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association