Archives: Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:33PM.  

Board members in attendance: Jeff Lidicker, Jannelle Rattigan, Debbie Keller, Kathleen Spitzer, Lynn Humphries, Laurie Dishman, Vincent Xu, Julie Scheff.   

There was a quorum.

Guests: Jessie Ryan, Sacramento City Unified School Board Member.  Davon Thomas, Campaign Manager for Jessie Ryan

Jessie Ryan introduced herself and spoke about seeking another term on the SCUSD Board, as well as the desire to continue her efforts to help Hollywood Park Elementary School. 

Previous Minutes: The minutes from the meeting of September 10th, 2020 were approved as written.  The motion to approve the minutes was made by Vincent and seconded by Lynn.  The motion was passed.

Financial Report: Debbie reported that we currently have $4,816.19 in our account.  We have 12 new members and a profit during the last month of $173.25.   She updated us on the Pay Pal account.  She sent them an updated insurance document, but had no response.  They has been no response from Pay Pal either regarding our money that they have.  She will continue to pursue a resolution to this issue.


Garage Sale Report: Jannelle reported that she received a text message from Patty Turner in which she indicated that there were 47 houses on the map who participated in the garage sale.  The largest number of homes was on Murieta Way.  There were some people who asked if the sale should go on during the Pandemic, as well as the bad air.  Patty told them to do what they felt was best for them; to use their own judgement.

Julie asked how the map was distributed.  Jannelle said that it was online. Debbie further stated that it was on FaceBook, Craig’s List and NextDoor.

Ice Cream Art Winners: Kathleen reported that there were 9 winners, and all but one have picked up their prizes.  She is attempting to get the prize to the 9th winner.  

Jeff reported that he has obtained permission to post names and photos of the winners in the Newsletter.

Membership Renewal Envelopes: Lynn reported that she and Debbie will get together this weekend to look at a smaller (remittance) envelope to make sure that all necessary information will fit on it.  If so, that will probably save us money on the printing.  Jannelle will send a photo of a smaller envelope that she saw in another newsletter.

Halloween Trick or Treaters Update: Jannelle reported that when she sent a text to Christina to inquire about the scavenger hunt, she received a reply with the following email address:    Lynn will contact Nixy Cane via text message to see if she knows anything more about the scavenger hunt  and will let the board know if she hears anything back. There was further discussion regarding making it clear to Hollywood Park residents that HPNA does not sponsor either the Trick or Treating or the Scavenger Hunt events.  However, HPNA will be sponsoring the Halloween decorating contest, which Irene Wilson is handling.  A new letter, written by Jeff and Jannelle explaining all that will be sent out tomorrow.  There is also the October contest, which is similar to the Ice Cream Art contest.  Neighbors are to put fall items in their windows, such as apples, leafs and pumpkins.  Julie asked Jeff to put the October Decoration event in his email blurb.

By-Law Change: During the General Meeting last month, a vote was taken to change the name from General Meeting to Community Meeting. The vote was unanimous to make that change.  Therefore, the By-Laws need to be corrected to reflect that name change.  A motion was made and seconded to make that By-Law change.  The motion was passed.  Jannelle will look into making that change.

Liability Insurance: Debbie reported that she has contacted both Tahoe Park and South Land Park Neighborhood Associations to find out how they handle liability issues.  She is waiting to hear back from both of those associations.  She will report further once she has that information.

New Secretary: Jeff made a motion to appoint Lynn Humphries as new Secretary of the HPNA Board, and that Julie Scheff be named Editor of the Hollywood Park Herald.  Kathleen seconded that motion.  The motion was passed.


Winter Newsletter: Julie reported she will be sending out a letter on Friday to people and businesses that are on a mailing list that Meghan Lane put together, which includes the Police Department, elected leaders, as well as churches and schools.  That letter will be a preview of what to look for in the next newsletter, such as more photos, stories about our activist neighbors, a story about the walkability of Hollywood Park by Victor Vasquez and pictures of the Ice Cream Art contest.  The letter also asks for suggestions for other articles.  Jannelle suggested a follow-up article on the neighborhood garage sale, and the tree planting program.  There will also be a reminder about the Holiday Community meeting in December.  The deadline for all items going into the Newsletter is November 10th.

General Meeting Recap: We had several great speakers at that meeting and a good turnout of neighbors.  There was discussion regarding how to entice more people to join the zoom community meetings, like prizes.  There was a suggestion to draft a summary of what happened at the last community meeting, including the names of the guests who spoke.  

Holiday Meeting: The Holiday Community meeting will be December 9th.  There was considerable discussion regarding what the agenda will be.  We discussed promoting our neighborhood as well as some neighbors.  Additionally, it was suggested that we invite some local businesses to come speak at the meeting.  

Business Meeting: The next business meeting is on October 20th, 2020.  Weather permitting, it will be outside at Kathleen Spitzer’s house at 6:30PM.  The suggestion was made to order food from a local restaurant for that meeting.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.