In case you haven’t heard, we thought we would post information on the new garbage/recycling policies that take affect July 1st in the neighborhood. The information below was pulled from the city of Sacramento Website to keep you in the know. Information referenced from
The basics for our neighborhood look like this:
Trash day stays the same day – Weekly on Wednesdays
We are in recycling week A – our weeks for recycle pick ups
On July 1, 2013, several changes to residential garbage, recycling and yard waste services will take effect citywide. Over the next few weeks, the Recycling and Solid Waste Division will provide information and tools to help our customers with the transition.
Containerized Yard Waste Collection
All residential customers will receive weekly containerized yard waste collection. Customers who do not have a yard waste container will receive one in June and sevice will begin the week of July 1, 2013 on your regular garbage day. The last week of service loose-in-the-street customers will be June 24, 2013 until leaf season. If you need more than one container, please call 311.
Appointment Based Neighborhood Clean Up Returns
Starting July 2013, all residential customers will be provided one appointment per year, for the free pickup of any bulky items. Appointments can be made by calling 311 and pickups dates will be available July through October 2013. In 2014 appointments will be available February – October 2013. More details are available on the garbage page.
Leaf Season November – January
Citywide collection of curbside yard waste piles will occur November through January. During leaf season, customers may use their yard waste container for weekly pickup as well as place extra material in a pile on the street in front of their residence
Recycling collection will change from weekly to every other week.
Starting July 1, 2013, all residential customers will be on either an A week or B week schedule for every other week recycling collection. In May, customers will receive their A or B week recycling schedule by mail. The recycling schedule, including a calendar, is also available here or you can call 311. Need a recycle week reminder? Sign up for email or text reminders on your recycle week here, or call 311.
Service Days will change in some neighborhoods
New routes have been created based on the recycling and yard waste collection changes and service days will change for some neighborhoods. Notifications will be sent to customers in May and the new service dates will begin July 1, 2013. You can check your current and post July 1, 2013 service days