Neighborhood News



HPNA SPECIAL MEETING – Fruitridge Road Safety and Mobility Plan

Monday, January 15 | 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


The HPNA Board will meet via Zoom this coming Monday (1/15/24) at 6:30pm to discuss submitting a letter to the City in support of its application to the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant for funds to complete the Fruitridge Road Safety and Mobility Plan (Plan). This meeting, as with all Board meetings, is open to all and we encourage you to join us for the discussion. Please see Zoom link information at the bottom of this email. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to share your thoughts, please email us at
What would the letter be supporting?
The Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant is a competitive statewide funding program for local transportation planning projects. If awarded, the City will use the funds for community engagement and a data-driven approach to create a range of potential design concepts for Fruitridge Road, aiming to increase safety and comfort for all road users. Design concepts will be based on feedback from communities along the corridor, including Hollywood Park. Importantly, the letter is not supporting a specific vision or future for Fruitridge Road. Rather, it is supporting the City’s request to be awarded money to pay for a plan that develops a range of potential, community-driven design options
Why Fruitridge Road?
Fruitridge Road was identified as a Vision Zero High Injury Network Corridor through the Vision Zero Action Plan, meaning it is one of the city’s corridors with the highest number of fatalities and severe injuries due to crashes. Additionally, through the Transportation Priorities Plan, Fruitridge Road was prioritized as a high priority project through community-identified and Council approved values including improving air quality and health, providing equitable investment, providing access to destinations including jobs, parks, and schools, improving transportation safety, and fixing and maintaining the transportation system.

Why does the City need a Plan?
Completing the Plan allows this project to compete for future funding opportunities to pay for Plan implementation, including preliminary engineering and environmental clearance and final design and construction. 
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you,
Your HPNA Board Members
Zoom Link: – Meeting ID: 865 8240 6963 -Passcode: 630940.