Archives: Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting 4/9/2020

Meeting starts at 7:00-ends at 8:30, the meeting was conducted over zoom due to the corona virus


Jeff, Jannelle, Kathleen, Debbie, Lynn, Laurie, Vincent, Julie, a quorum exists. Community volunteer Anthony was also at the beginning of the meeting to answer questions about the newly designed HPNA website that his company, Red Cart Studios designed and launched in March 2020

Minutes Approved from March 2020 Board meeting: Jeff moved to approve them and Debbie seconded, unanimously approved 

Business meeting set for Tuesday, April 28, 7pm. The meeting will be conducted on Zoom as will the May board meeting. Julie will send out Zoom link to board members for both meetings.  

Julie and Vincent suggested doing something to acknowledge Red Cart Studio for having designed and maintained the new HPNA website.  Debbie suggested putting their name on the new website. Everyone agreed that would be a good idea.  

Distribution of newsletter:

There was a general discussion about whether to mail the HPNA newsletters to households rather than distribute the June newsletters through volunteers due to the Corona Virus. Debbie said she would look into the cost of mailing. There was some discussion that volunteers distributing the newsletter would perhaps lead to less exposure than the newsletters getting handled by the US postal service. There was also concern noted that many of HP’s residents are older and may be used to a hard copy or not have access to computers to view the newsletter. There were no decisions, just discussion on these issues.

Jannelle mentioned that she thought the South Land Park newsletter was exclusively sent via email to their members. Vincent suggested using internet sites to do a poll of Hollywood Park residents to find out how many would prefer to get the newsletter online. He suggested that if residents do want to get their edition online we could have a page on our website where they could provide their email.  

Treasurer report:

Balance of $6,133. Debbie had sent board members HPNA’s balance sheet, a list of business members that need to be followed up with to make sure they are up to date with their payments. She highlighted the ones that need to be contacted. Given the Corona Virus, board members felt it may be better to discuss this later.

Newsletter possible future content discussed:  

  1. Jannelle suggests article asking for response about whether neighbors want the newsletter delivered or to get it online (either on our website or emailed to them).
  2. Julie suggests article about dry gardens in the neighborhood,  Vincent suggests possible interview with homeowners doing drought resistant gardening. Vincent & Julie will coordinate for possible June newsletter
  3. New information on Raley’s project. Who will the new businesses be in the shopping center?-Laurie?
  4. New website and who made it
  5. Profile of Kline music-Julie 
  6. Chase’s old building. On historic register -Debbie 
  7. Story about Landpark Ski & Sport — Jannelle says given Corona Virus this story may not be easy to report on right now
  8. Julie suggests the possibility of a story about how local businesses are faring during Corona Virus and whether there are ways to help them
  9. Janelle mentioned the idea of a story about the 4th of July parade

Email updates in lieu of March HPNA General Meeting:

There was some discussion about emails to cover timely matters since the March general HPNA meeting was cancelled due to Corona Virus. Jeff already sent out some information and he suggested something get written about Sowing Solidarity farm since it opens in April.  Kathleen and Jannelle said they would work together on writing something for an email to go out soon. Jeff also said someone could write something about the opening of the new Raley’s for an email to go out to HPNA membership.

Welcome to the Neighborhood flyer

Members weighed in on the look and text of the flyer. Julie will consolidate people’s suggestions and get the next version out soon for members’ review.