Archives: Meeting Minutes

Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, April 9, 2018
6:36-8:06 PM, Centennial United Methodist Church

Minutes compiled by Hilary Moise
Meeting called to order: 6:39 pm by Vice President Dylan Seidner

Attendance: Victor Vasquez (VV), Hilary Moise (HM), Cassandra Shahani (CS), Dylan Seidner (DS) Guests: Azia Cherry, Jeffrey Lidicker, Lisa Dunnebacke

March minutes: Approved.

Financial report

  • VV confirmed that HPNA tax filings are up to date for 2016 and 2017
  • VV gave report on HPNA financials in general fund.
  • VV read correspondence to HPNA mail box. A thank you letter and an anonymous letter about inclusion of Carleton Tract residents.
    • DS stated a letter sent by an anonymous writer does not merit discussion while VV stated that the general concern of the letter merits discussion; however, other board members did not support further discussion without specific points from VV.

CommuniTree Project Update: CS

  • CS and steering committee is working on a fundraiser – need a venue.
  • Looking into using postcards for fundraising mailer – check on reduced postage for nonprofits/Sac Neighborhood Services assistance
  • County has funded project through Sac Tree Foundation – $47,000.
  • Matching funds requirement: $12,000.
  • Working with city on other grant options.

Pedestrian Safety

  • We will work on reaching out to neighbors to gauge interest in having a meeting or event to discuss the Freeport traffic issues. HM/DS will write invitation to neighbors to participate/share ideas ahead of city workgroup mtg.
  • Azia:
    • Working on forming workgroup with residents of D4 and D5. Also communicating with PTAs and schools. And city traffic staff and vision zero staff
    • Met with design company to create traffic safety signs for Freeport and Oregon intersection, warning about dangerous crossing.
    • VV asked if there can be public input as to where signs should go – AC will check.
    • Possible grant funding: AARP grant May 16 deadline. Goal is to have workgroup meeting ahead of that deadline to do grant proposal.
    • Update on traffic study: AC will follow up with traffic dept.
  • LD raised another traffic issue – access to City College light rail station from 24th is difficult.
  • HPNA formed Pedestrian-Cyclist Safety Committee
    • DS, VV, HM, LD and JL, so far.

Business Committee

  • DS cannot take over the business committee
  • We need to assign someone else to take the lead
  • DS will draft a form letter to solicit renewals and new business memberships
  • AC mentioned that there is work on starting a PBID for Freeport, could be a good overlap with business membership goals.
  • We will try to make sure that business ads are up to date for Summer newsletter

Meeting concluded at 8:06