Archives: Meeting Minutes

Meeting starts at 6:30 –ended at 8:15, the meeting was conducted over zoom due to the corona virus

Attending: Jeff Lidicker, Jannelle Rattigan, Debbie Keller, Kathleen Spitzer, Lynn Humphries, Laurie Dishman, Julie Scheff, a quorum exists.  

Minutes Approved: July, 2020 Board meeting: Lynn moved to approve the minutes with advised corrections and Kathleen seconded, unanimously approved (with corrections recommended by the board)

Name Change?: Discussion occurred about changing “General Meeting” name to “Community Meeting” The decision was tabled after discussion about this matter needing to go before the membership for a vote.  It was slated as a discussion item for the September General Meeting.

Ice Cream Social:  Discussion about how to handle ice cream social in the age of covid-19.  Discussed ice cream truck or Wally’s fire truck distributing ice cream to neighborhood kids, but landed on a monthly contest with the first one starting in September.  Board members decided that each HP resident child/parent who sends to a photo of their drawing of an ice cream in their window will have their name printed in the HPNA newsletter, the Hollywood Herald (HH) and will be rewarded a cold treat.  This will be described in the September HH newsletter. The deadline was set for the ice cream contest to end on September 30, 2020.  

The contests for the months of October through December were also discussed, ending with an agreement that the contest would highlight fall festival—apples, leaves, pumpkins and turkeys in November and December would highlight snowflakes.

Jannelle moved to fund an ice cream reward to the first 50 children participating in the September ice cream drawing contest for up to $250.  Julie seconded the motion, the motion approved unanimously

Treasurer report: The HPNA balance is $5,364.  Debbie reported she was having a lot of difficulty getting money from the Pay Pal website where there is $XX Discussion about how to go about getting money from Pay Pal ensued.  Someone advised calling Curtis on channell; 13

An August 25th business meeting was scheduled.  

Board decided to print in Four-color for front and back pages of the September newsletter