Archives: Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting 2/13/2020

Minute Notes submitted by Jannelle Rattigan

Meeting called to order by President.  No quorum.

Treasurer submitted a report.  There was a Post Office box bill of $190.

Committee Reports

Anthony presented a report on the HPNA website and specific features.  He could add a button for “Volunteers.” We can look into merging the membership into the website in the future.

Newsletter:  Victor will continue in his role: getting the proof to the printer, paying the fee, organizing, counting, preparing newsletter for volunteers to distribute.  Pearl will format the newsletter and will get fonts, etc from Nilan. Board members/business committee are still updating the Business Directory and will leave in businesses that haven’t yet been contacted.  The goal will be to update the directory by June.

General Meeting discussion:

Possible Agenda Items:

  • Officers
  • Raley’s Update (Laurie will work on this.)
  • Chase Bank property update
  • City Council report/updates—election results; internships and citizen committees—Have a representative report on process of applying for these.
  • John with the Freeport Traffic/Transportation Committee report on walk audit and plan


Treasurer asked about reporting financial status to membership.  Should it be yearly, etc. Detailed or brief. Debbie is tracking down the 1099/Tax forms

Hospitality for general meeting.  Keep it basic: water, coffee, light snacks.  Jannelle will talk to Principal Luke.  

Discussion about private donations for Irene for bows.  Contact Megan for article Jeff submitted about 2019 Business Awards in order to highlight some of our supporters/advertisers.  Report on speaking with Park Vista Christian Church on article and inclusion about tai chi class in the newsletter.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30.