Archives: Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2022 – HPNA

The meeting was called to order at 6:32PM

Members Present:

Jeff Lidicker, Kathleen Spitzer, Lynn Humphries, Molly Castro, Debbie Keller There was a quorum.
Welcome to Molly Castro as our newest board member

Previous Minutes:

Jeff made the motion to approve the previous Board meeting minutes, amended to correct the spelling of Max’s last name as McSlavkin.
Molly seconded the motion.
The motion was approved.

Financial Report:

Debbie reported that we currently have in our bank account the amount of $7,133,33, The Profit and Loss for January 1, 2021 thru December 31, 2021 was a loss of $165.25. We currently have 41 members.


A.) December Community Meeting:

There was discussion to re-cap of the community meeting.
Jeff mentioned the Rosewood Room, which is a new boutique shop in Hollywood Park on Freeport Blvd. Cindy and Josh are the owners. It was discussed the perhaps Cindy come talk about the store at our next community meeting.

B.) HPNA Swag Report:

Kathleen reported that everything is being held up because of the supply issue.


A.) Appointment of 2022 Officers:

Jeff announced that Jannelle has resigned from the board. The following officers were appointed:
President: Jeff Lidicker
Vice President: Molly Castro
Treasurer: Debbie Keller
Secretary: Lynn Humphries
Editor: Ralph McDaniel

B) Spring Newsletter:

There was discussion about content for the upcoming newsletter. It was mentioned that we have a section called “Meet your Neighbor”. There was also discussion that we put the envelopes in the spring newsletter. Kathleen will contact Victor regarding having the printer who does the newsletter also print the envelopes.

C.) 2022 Advertising Renewals:

There was discussion regarding getting renewals as well as new business members and advertisers. Debbie is working on that. Jeff brought up the possibility of paying Julie for any advertisements that she gets for the newsletter. The discussion was tabled until our next board meeting.

D.) Gift membership from Gail Mancarti:

Gail donate a “gift membership” for us to use to pay for a Hollywood Park neighbor. It was decided to give the gift to Edna Johnson who has lived in Hollywood Park since the 50’s. Lynn will let Edna know about that, and will try to get a picture for the newsletter.

E.) Painting the HPNA sculpture:

We received a note from Estela Vasquez who indicated that she thought the HPNA sculpture was supposed to be painted. She indicated that she had donated money for that. There was some discussion regarding that. Lynn will contact Estela to talk with her about it.

F.) Members out of boundaries of Hollywood Park:

Debbie had received a membership application and money from someone who does not live in Hollywood Park. She wanted to know what she should do. Apparently, it says on the membership application that you need to live in Hollywood Park to be a member. However, it was decided to let it go for now.

Lynn reminded everyone that she still has a lot of HPNA magnets. Board members will take some to give out to new members, winners of the decorating contests and to people who place ads in the newsletter.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52PM

Respectfully submitted Lynn Humphries Secretary – HPNA