Archives: Meeting Minutes

Meeting starts at 6:30 –ends at 8:10, the meeting was conducted over zoom due to the corona virus

Attending: Jeff Lidicker, Jannelle Rattigan, Kathleen Spitzer, Lynn Humphries, Laurie Dishman, Julie Scheff, a quorum exists.  

Guests attending: John from Freeport Transportation Safety Committee, Jerry from Greater Land Park and Anthony from Red Cart Studios

Minutes Approved from June, 2020 Board meeting: Jeff moved to approve them and Laurie seconded, unanimously approved 

John arrived via zoom to make a presentation from the Freeport Safety Committee .  The city of Sacramento was awarded a CalTrans $250,000 grant study Freeport Blvd and to make recommendations for safety and beautification improvements to the busy street.  The areas of the study are to include 35th Avenue to Sutterville Rd., Land Park and South Land Park Drive.  Of the 223 responses from a
Walk Sacramento survey about safety along Freeport Blvd, 28% were from Hollywood Park, John reported.

Some key areas of concern brought up by the survey:

  1. Cars are moving too fast
  2. There is not enough time to cross on the timed crosswalks
  3. Top priority of changes: safety of intersections, cars, bikes and walking
  4. Walk Sacramento conducted a walk Audit May 11, 2019

February 2020 Freeport Blvd released its walk audit report

Findings included that sidewalks are atrocious if you can call them sidewalks

One of the problems is that Freeport Blvd is formerly highway and people have the mentality of it being an expressway to rush through.  

Two corridor plans are to be presented to city council for winter 2023

City will issue a request for proposals fall 2020.  The community will have until winter 2021 to have input:

Jerry entered zoom conference.  He is trying to put together the Greater Land Park Safety Coalition (10 communities involved).  It’s a consortium of park neighborhoods that are looking for quicker and more cost-effective solutions.  

Jeff moved that he would write a letter of support for the Greater Land Park group to pursue immediate safety improvements to Freeport Blvd.  Jannelle seconded and the board voted unanimously that Jeff would write a letter of support for the Greater Land Park initiative.  

Report on June General Meeting zoom meeting:  Good turn-out.  Majority were not people with young children.  That’s a population we need to look into reaching. Also feedback from those attending was that communication and socializing were two top areas they prioritized for HPNA’s role in the community.

Jeff introduced the idea of renaming the General meeting to something more friendly.  Julie suggested “Community” meeting and people seemed to like this name.

The board discussed some future events including the ice cream social and because of Covid, were trying to come up with some safe ways to celebrate with ice cream—an ice cream truck, other ideas were floated 

September 2020 Newsletter content:  

  1. Announcement of seasonal contests-Laurie
  2. Nixie’s art project-Jannelle/Jeff
  3. List of family-oriented things to do in the neighborhood-Christina
  4. Cal Trans award for Safety and beautification study of Freeport Blvd-Julie S
  5. A HP homeowner’s native plant garden-Julie C
  6. Spotlights on neighbors including Kathleen’s boat maker and Lynn’s and Kathleen’s 90 plus year old neighbors

Board decided to print in Four-color for front and back pages of the September newsletter