Archives: Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting 5/14/2020

Meeting starts at 6:40 –ends at 8:10, the meeting was conducted over zoom due to the corona virus

Attending: Jeff, Jannelle, Kathleen, Debbie, Lynn, Laurie, Vincent, Julie, a quorum exists.  

Minutes Approved from April 9, 2020 Board meeting: Janelle moved to approve them and Lynn seconded, unanimously approved 

Treasurer report:  Balance of $6,144.20 and $300 in pay pal account. Further discussion of Pay Pal tabled for later discussion

June 2020 Newsletter content:  

  1. Jannelle called Jasleen from Council member Jay Schenirer’s office and County Supervisor Patrick Kennedy’s offices to solicit articles.  She also sent photos of chalk art to Pearl for the newsletter. Janelle mentioned doing a collage to pay tribute to 2020 graduates, the Tree foundation has a piece about preparing your trees for summer, Jannelle is writing a story about the cancellation of the 4th of July parade, but encouraging neighbors to be social, display festive decorations in their yards…
  2. Vincent & Julie reported on the feature story they are working on about native plant garden in HP
  3. Julie discussed profile of Kline music-story may also include info about how local businesses are faring during Corona Virus and whether there are ways to help them

Renewing business membership and ads

Debbie will draft a letter to go out to members who have ads or articles in the newsletter about then who are not up to date with their payment.  The letter will go out after June publication of the newsletter.

Four-color in center spread of June newsletter

After discussion of the $195 additional cost to publish two pages in four-color of the next newsletter, board members agreed to pay for this one-time outlay to make photos of gardens and chalk drawings in color.

Next General HPNA Meeting

Lynn reported that some of her neighbors have asked whether the general meeting could take place through zoom.  The June general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17th.  After some discussion, board members seemed to be open to the idea and Jeff suggested between now and our next board meeting, we correspond via email to discuss.  We could also decide on topics and whether to go ahead with a zoom general HPNA meeting at the next board meeting on Thursday, June 11.

Review and approval of Documents from the Board, including:

  • Welcome to the Neighborhood flyer—Julie moves to approve, Jannelle seconds, unanimously approved

The following were discussed and approved subject to minor changes:

  • 2020 Membership form that Debbie made
  • email Letter to HPNA members (households and businesses) Debbie wrote
  • Business opportunity letter Debbie wrote

Discussion about multiple HPNA email addresses

Board members expressed some confusion about multiple email addresses for HPNA.  There is both a gmail account and the  The gmail accounts feeds into the proprietary email ( ), Jeff explained.

HPNA Pay Pal Balance

Jeff also noted that HPNA is phasing out our Pay Pal account and expressed an interest in talking to Anthony about how that transition is going.  Debbie said she would follow up with Anthony to report back to the board about the transition.  Debbie also said that she would find out about how to transfer the $300 in our Pay Pal account into the HPNA bank account.

HPNA to get a Zoom Account

Lynn moves to have HPNA pay for its own zoom account and have it linked to an HPNA email.

Debbie seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Insurance coverage for HPNA

Debbie has inquired how much Errors and Omissions and liability coverage would cost and is waiting to hear back from an insurance agent.