Archives: Meeting Minutes

Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting Minutes for November 14, 2019

Present: board members: Nilan, Jeff, Janelle, Debbie, Julie.  A quorum existed for approving motions.

Community members present: Vincent, Anthony

Meeting called to order: 7:08pm, meeting adjourned 8:20

Review & Approve October BOD minutes:  Nilan motioned to approve the October 2019 minutes and Janelle seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved and Julie said she would forward the completed minutes to Anthony so he could post them on the HPNA website.  (She has sent the approved minutes to Anthony to post on our website)

Recap of October 2019 general meeting:  Emphasis on December general meeting will be a holiday social.  

Newsletter Update: timeline for draft review (November 20, 2019) and printing (Thanksgiving week) were set for the newsletter.  Julie suggested that a few days prior to reviewing the draft that Megan send out a list of stories that she has in hand so we know preliminarily what will be in the newsletter before the draft stage.

Holiday Events: Janelle reported that Irene Wilson will be writing an article about holiday bows on streetlights for the December newsletter. The holiday social will be a potluck, December 11, 6-8pm.  Wally will be able to bring his antique fire truck. Jeff reminded the board that Janelle had suggested that donations of about $100 go to Shriner’s as a thank you to Wally for bringing his firetruck.  Jeff will send out text about holiday party for Anthony to post on HPNA website. The school district now requires a permit for each HPNA school meeting at Hollywood Park Elementary. Kathleen, Patty and Janelle will make sure we are permitted for the holiday party.

Business committee: The board looked over a draft of a welcome to the neighborhood letter that Julie and Janelle had worked on and Vincent had enhanced with a neighborhood bio and more.  The board made some suggested edits, including deleting a list of proposed businesses since it would be difficult to be exhaustive and complete with all the business, schools and churches in the neighborhood without taking up too much space and for fear of omitting some, especially our advertisers and supporters.  

The next business committee meeting is scheduled for November 19 at Jeff’s house.  Debbie will send out an email confirming that with the board and interested parties.

Social Media: Anthony shared his redesign/upgrade the HPNA website.  He estimates the new website may be launched as soon as the end of 2019/beginning of 2020.  Anthony said he would post board minutes and asked new board members to send him their bios and photos so he could post them on the HPNA website.

Financial Update: Treasurer Debbie asked about a monthly debit to the HPNA account of about $80.  Board members said it was for insurance for HPNA. Debbie reported a current HPNA balance of $5,400.  

Jeff said the HPNA membership is on an EXCEL spreadsheet and said he would share the list with Debbie.  Anthony recommended Airtable as a way of sharing the list, Airtable is a database and Anthony said it was more powerful than Google Docs.

Criticism of HPNA Board:  Janelle mentioned she has seen posts critical of HPNA on social media, notably Nextdoor. She said she thinks the board should be aware of and be ready to respond to such criticisms.

The next Board meeting is December 12, 2019.

Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm