Archives: Meeting Minutes

Meeting starts at 6:30 –ended at 8:15, the meeting was conducted over zoom due to the corona virus

Attending: Jeff Lidicker, Jannelle Rattigan, Debbie Keller, Kathleen Spitzer, Lynn Humphries, Laurie Dishman, Julie Scheff, a quorum exists.  

Guests: Matt xxx, a prospective board member, Jackie Ballard?

Jackie said she had surveyed neighbors on Next Door and many were interested in having some kind of Halloween event in Hollywood Park.  She said she was interested in talking to neighbors who are interested in some kind of activity.  Board members mentioned for her to check out what was written in the September newsletter about Halloween and suggested following up with Irene who is organizing the Halloween home decorating contest, which is not a HPNA sponsored event, but the board would be happy to promote it.

Minutes Approved: August, 2020 Board meeting: Jannelle moved to approve the minutes with advised corrections and Laurie seconded, unanimously approved (with corrections recommended by the board)

Air Quality Widget 

Jeff asked the board for comment on posting an air quality index (AQI) on the HPNA website.  He showed what the widget would look like on the HPNA website. Jeff said he would email a beta version of our website to each board member. 

$60 for Halloween and Christmas contest

Irene Wilson, who is organizing the upcoming Halloween contest asked the board for $60 for both Halloween and Christmas home decorating contests. Julie motioned to spend $60 on awards for contest winners for the Halloween and Christmas contests. Debbie seconded the motion passed unanimously.

$52 for ribbons to decorate lamp posts at Christmas

Board asked whether they would like to contribute toward this fund.  Many agreed to personally pledge money toward the ribbons rather than take funds from HPNA.

“Welcome to Hollywood Park” 

Jeff asked Julie to assign board members who would like to distribute the Welcome to the neighborhood flyers and a recent newsletter to our new neighbors.  The following said they would help distribute the materials:  Debbie, Jeff, Lynn and Laurie.

Treasurer report: The HPNA balance is $5,364.  Debbie reported she was having a lot of difficulty getting money from the Pay Pal website where there is $556.76 Discussion about how to go about getting money from Pay Pal ensued.  Some discussion about whether businesses outside Hollywood Park can advertise or be HPNA members

September General Meeting Agenda Set—Sgt from the police department, Code enforcement officer to speak, Irene and Jackie set to speak about Halloween, Patty set to talk about upcoming neighborhood garage sale, October 3. Sac Tree volunteer to talk about October tree planting.

Action items: Debbie to draft membership pledge envelope. Jeff to follow up regarding air quality widget on site and track with Vincent whether neighborhood survey would be ready for December 

Volunteering board members to deliver “Welcome to the Neighborhood “flyers. Jannelle sent bylaws to board members for review for HPNA membership/advertising possible limitations.  She also shared that membership is open to all residents, property owners located within the boundaries of Hollywood park.  Kathleen and Lynn were going to research bylaws further 

Meeting ended 8:15 pm