By Hilary Moise
The project is called “The Park” and will include a 55,000 square-foot Raley’s store and six smaller buildings for retail stores and restaurants. The proposal includes changes to Freeport Boulevard to create an entrance/exit into the shopping center and a new traffic signal at Meer Way and Freeport. HPNA has a web page with current updates on the project, which can be found at:
The City Planning Commission voted 12-1 to approve the project at its October 20 meeting, after three hours of comment by the project developers and local residents speaking both for and against the project. HPNA President John Maradik-Symkowick spoke at the meeting to present HPNA’s position of suppoting the project with some recommended changes. The recommendations were that the buildings on Freeport Blvd. should be re-oriented to face and open up to the street and sidewalk, bicycle and pedestrian safety and access should be improved with wider sidewalks and a passenger loading zone, and the bus stop in front of the current Raley’s should be moved to the new shopping center location. Read the full HPNA comment letter to the Planning Commission on our website:
Now, the last step for the project to be approved is a vote by the City Council. The project proposal will be considered and voted on by the City Council on Tuesday, November 22 at 6:00pm. Any Hollywood Park residents who want to share their opinions for or against the project can comment by attending the meeting or by submitting a written comment to the Assistant City Clerk before November 22. More information on City Council meetings, agendas, and public participation is at: