UPDATE: Notes compiled by HPNA at the meeting are now posted at the bottom of this post.
Two different businesses (Paradigm Farms and Prime Strategies LLC) have submitted applications to legalize commercial marijuana cultivation at two locations on 24th Street. The applicants will attend the June HPNA General Meeting to present their projects and answer questions. Please review the materials about the proposals that are posted on this site and bring your questions and comments to the meeting. The June 21 meeting will begin at 6:30pm, with social time and refreshments at 6:00.
The proposed businesses would be located at 4701 24th Street (Paradigm Farms, CUP Z17-063) and 4080 24th Street (Prime Strategies, CUP Z17-046). The applications submitted to the City of Sacramento are requests for a conditional use permit for eventual commercial marijuana cultivation. At 4080 24th St., the property owners do not plan to operate the cultivation business and there is currently no tenant for the space. At 4080 24th St., the grower would be Paradigm Farms. The proposals are to use the existing buildings, not for new construction. The properties are zoned as light industrial (4701 24th St.) and heavy commercial (4080 24th St.).
In addition, we are aware of two other proposed commercial marijuana cultivation businesses that have submitted permit applications around our neighborhood. There may be more that are submitted before the City’s June 30 permit application deadline for marijuana cultivation businesses. One is located at 3752 W. Pacific Avenue (CUP Z17-049) and we have attached the materials from the City for that project as well. The other is located at 6400 Freeport Blvd. and we do not have any materials to share for that project.
Representatives for the two 24th Street projects presented at the HPNA General Meeting on June 21. Their materials are posted below.
The HPNA Board plans to submit a comment letter regarding these applications and anyone is free to submit their own comment letter. We look forward to hearing your opinions and comments on the two proposed business developments in our neighborhood, either at the meeting or by email to hpna95822@gmail.com. The HPNA Board plans to submit a comment letter to the City no later than June 28. The developers will also be attending the HPNA Board meeting on June 12 at 7:00 p.m. to present about their projects.
4701 24th Street
Z17-063-routing Z17-063-SUPP Z17-063-PLANS Z17-063-app
4701 24th St – Presentation Materials
4080 24th Street
Z17-046_photos Z17-046_routing cover sheet Z17-046_application Z17-046_plans
4080 24th St – Presentation Materials
3752 W. Pacific Avenue
UPDATE as of July 12:
HPNA Notes from June 21 General Meeting regarding discussion of marijuana cultivation permits