Neighborhood News

HP Plant Exchange Wrap Up

The Hollywood Park Neighborhood Improvement Committee holds a plant exchange every year.  This year it was held on May 18th.  If you missed the exchange, Val Anderson, the host of the event gives the details on the history and … Read More

Real Estate Weigh in for HP

With the real estate market doing some interesting things these days we thought we would ask former Hollywood Park President and local realtor, Matt Bistis to weigh in on what is happening in the neighborhood and to offer suggestions on … Read More

Aging, cracked sidewalks in Hollywood Park

Aging, cracked sidewalks in Hollywood Park

By Artemio Armenta and Becky McReynolds

Many of the cracks along Hollywood Park’s sidewalks reflect the signs of concrete poured more than six decades ago. In older and more established communities like Hollywood Park, Curtis Park, … Read More